Nama Top Level Domain Negara atau country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) merupakan nama unik yang diberikan untuk mengidentifikasi nama domain sesuai dengan lokasi dan kode negara atau wilayah dependensi di jaringan internet. Umumnya, ccTLD terdiri dari 2 huruf dan dapat digabungkan dengan TDL internasional.
Meskipun sebagai identifikasi lokasi dan kode negara, beberapa country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) dapat digunakan atau diperjualbelikan secara internasional seperti Top Level Domain (TLD) Internasional. Domain negara yang paling banyak digunakan secara internasional (bukan pengguna negara setempat) adalah, .us (Amerika), .in (India), .co (Kolumbia), dll.
Daftar country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD)
Berikut daftar domain negara atau country-code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) selengkapnya.
Afghanistan: .af
Ascension Island: .ac
Aland Islands: .ax
Andorra: .ad
Albania: .al
United Arab Emirates: .ae
Algeria: .dz
Afghanistan: .af
American Samoa: .as
Antigua and Barbuda: .ag
Andorra: .ad
Anguilla: .ai
Angola: .ao
Armenia: .am
Antarctica: .aq
Netherlands Antilles: .an
Antigua and Barbuda: .ag
Angola: .ao
Argentina: .ar
Antarctica: .aq
Armenia: .am
Aruba: .aw
American Samoa: .as
Ascension Island: .ac
Austria: .at
Australia: .au
Aruba: .aw
Azerbaijan: .az
Aland Islands: .ax
Bahamas: .bs
Bahrain: .bh
Bosnia and Herzegovina: .ba
Bangladesh: .bd
Barbados: .bb
Belarus: .by
Belgium: .be
Burkina Faso: .bf
Belize: .bz
Bulgaria: .bg
Benin: .bj
Bahrain: .bh
Bermuda: .bm
Burundi: .bi
Bhutan: .bt
Bolivia: .bo
Bermuda: .bm
Bosnia and Herzegovina: .ba
Brunei Darussalam: .bn
Botswana: .bw
Bouvet Island: .bv
Brazil: .br
Bahamas: .bs
British Indian Ocean Territory: .io
Bhutan: .bt
Brunei Darussalam: .bn
Bouvet Island: .bv
Bulgaria: .bg
Botswana: .bw
Burkina Faso: .bf
Belarus: .by
Burundi: .bi
Belize: .bz
Cambodia: .kh
Canada: .ca
Cameroon: .cm
Cocos (Keeling) Islands: .cc
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the: .cd
Cape Verde: .cv
Central African Republic: .cf
Cayman Islands: .ky
Congo, Republic of: .cg
Switzerland: .ch
Chad: .td
Cote d’Ivoire: .ci
Chile: .cl
Cook Islands: .ck
China: .cn
Christmas Island: .cx
Cameroon: .cm
Cocos (Keeling) Islands: .cc
China: .cn
Colombia: .co
Comoros: .km
Costa Rica: .cr
Congo, Republic of: .cg
Serbia and Montenegro: .cs
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the: .cd
Cuba: .cu
Cook Islands: .ck
Cape Verde: .cv
Christmas Island: .cx
Cote d’Ivoire: .ci
Cyprus: .cy
Croatia/Hrvatska: .hr
Czech Republic: .cz
Germany: .de
Djibouti: .dj
Czech Republic: .cz
Denmark: .dk
Dominica: .dm
Djibouti: .dj
Dominican Republic: .do
Dominica: .dm
Algeria: .dz
Dominican Republic: .do
Ecuador: .ec
East Timor: .tp
Estonia: .ee
Egypt: .eg
Western Sahara: .eh
El Salvador: .sv
Eritrea: .er
Equatorial Guinea: .gq
Spain: .es
Ethiopia: .et
Estonia: .ee
European Union: .eu
Finland: .fi
Fiji: .fj
Falkland Islands (Malvinas): .fk
Faroe Islands: .fo
Micronesia, Federal State of: .fm
Fiji: .fj
Finland: .fi
France: .fr
Gabon: .ga
French Guiana: .gf
United Kingdom: .gb
Grenada: .gd
French Southern Territories: .tf
Georgia: .ge
Gambia: .gm
Guernsey: .gg
Ghana: .gh
Gibraltar: .gi
Ghana: .gh
Greenland: .gl
Gambia: .gm
Greece: .gr
Guinea: .gn
Guadeloupe: .gp
Grenada: .gd
Equatorial Guinea: .gq
Greece: .gr
Guam: .gu
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: .gs
Guatemala: .gt
Guernsey: .gg
Guam: .gu
Guinea: .gn
Guinea-Bissau: .gw
Guyana: .gy
Hong Kong: .hk
Haiti: .ht
Heard and McDonald Islands: .hm
Honduras: .hn
Holy See (Vatican City State): .va
Croatia/Hrvatska: .hr
Honduras: .hn
Hungary: .hu
Indonesia: .id
Iceland: .is
Ireland: .ie
India: .in
Israel: .il
Isle of Man: .im
Iran, Islamic Republic of: .ir
India: .in
Iraq: .iq
British Indian Ocean Territory: .io
Ireland: .ie
Isle of Man: .im
Israel: .il
Iceland: .is
Italy: .it
Jamaica: .jm
Jersey: .je
Japan: .jp
Jordan: .jo
Japan: .jp
Kazakhstan: .kz
Kenya: .ke
Kyrgyzstan: .kg
Kiribati: .ki
Cambodia: .kh
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic: .kp
Korea, Republic of: .kr
Comoros: .km
Kuwait: .kw
Saint Kitts and Nevis: .kn
Kyrgyzstan: .kg
Korea, Democratic People’s Republic: .kp
Korea, Republic of: .kr
Cayman Islands: .ky
Lesotho: .ls
Kazakhstan: .kz
Latvia: .lv
Lebanon: .lb
Lesotho: .ls
Liberia: .lr
Lao People’s Democratic Republic: .la
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: .ly
Lebanon: .lb
Liechtenstein: .li
Saint Lucia: .lc
Lithuania: .lt
Luxembourg: .lu
Sri Lanka: .lk
Macau: .mo
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: .mk
Madagascar: .mg
Malawi: .mw
Malaysia: .my
Maldives: .mv
Mali: .ml
Malta: .mt
Marshall Islands: .mh
Moldova, Republic of: .md
Martinique: .mq
Madagascar: .mg
Mauritania: .mr
Mauritius: .mu
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: .mk
Mexico: .mx
Myanmar: .mm
Mongolia: .mn
Moldova, Republic of: .md
Montenegro: .me
Monaco: .mc
Northern Mariana Islands: .mp
Mongolia: .mn
Montserrat: .ms
Morocco: .ma
Montserrat: .ms
Mozambique: .mz
Namibia: .na
Nauru: .nr
Nepal: .np
Netherlands: .nl
Netherlands Antilles: .an
Mozambique: .mz
New Caledonia: .na
Namibia: .na
New Zealand: .nz
New Caledonia: .na
Nicaragua: .ni
Niger: .ne
Norfolk Island: .nf
Nigeria: .ng
Niue: .nu
Norfolk Island: .nf
Norway: .no
Oman: .om
Pakistan: .pk
Palau: .pw
Palestinian Territories: .ps
Panama: .pa
Papua New Guinea: .pg
Peru: .pe
Paraguay: .py
French Polynesia: .pf
Philippines: .ph
Pakistan: .pk
Poland: .pl
Portugal: .pt
Saint Pierre and Miquelon: .pm
Puerto Rico: .pr
Pitcairn Island: .pn
Qatar: .qa
Reunion Island: .re
Romania: .ro
Russian Federation: .ru
Palau: .pw
Rwanda: .rw
Saint Helena: .sh
Saint Kitts and Nevis: .kn
Saint Lucia: .lc
Saint Pierre and Miquelon: .pm
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: .vc
San Marino: .sm
Saudi Arabia: .sa
Sao Tome and Principe: .st
Solomon Islands: .sb
Seychelles: .sc
Senegal: .sn
Sudan: .sd
Serbia and Montenegro: .cs
Sweden: .se
Sierra Leone: .sl
Saint Helena: .sh
Singapore: .sg
Slovenia: .si
Slovak Republic: .sk
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands: .sj
Solomon Islands: .sb
Sierra Leone: .sl
Somalia: .so
San Marino: .sm
South Africa: .za
Senegal: .sn
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: .gs
Spain: .es
Suriname: .sr
Sri Lanka: .lk
Sao Tome and Principe: .st
Sudan: .sd
El Salvador: .sv
Suriname: .sr
Syrian Arab Republic: .sy
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands: .sj
Swaziland: .sz
Turks and Caicos Islands: .tc
Chad: .td
French Southern Territories: .tf
Togo: .tg
Taiwan: .tw
Thailand: .th
Tajikistan: .tj
Tanzania: .tz
Tokelau: .tk
Thailand: .th
Timor-Leste: .tl
Turkmenistan: .tm
Togo: .tg
Tunisia: .tn
Tokelau: .tk
Tonga: .to
East Timor: .tp
Trinidad and Tobago: .tt
Turkey: .tr
Tunisia: .tn
Tuvalu: .tv
Turkmenistan: .tm
Taiwan: .tw
Turks and Caicos Islands: .tc
Tanzania: .tz
Tuvalu: .tv
Uganda: .ug
Ukraine: .ua
United Kingdom: .uk
United Arab Emirates: .ae
United States Minor Outlying Islands: .um
United Kingdom: .gb
United States: .us
United Kingdom: .uk
Uruguay: .uy
United States: .us
Uzbekistan: .uz
United States Minor Outlying Islands: .um
Holy See (Vatican City State): .va
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: .vc
Venezuela: .ve
Vanuatu: .vu
Virgin Islands, British: .vg
Virgin Islands, U.S.: .vi
Vietnam: .vn
Yemen: .ye
Mayotte: .yt
Yugoslavia: .yu
Wallis and Futuna Islands: .wf
Wallis and Futuna Islands: .wf
Western Samoa: .ws
South Africa: .za
Zambia: .zm
Zimbabwe: .zw
daftar domain negara (ccTLD) – Lentera SEO